Definition of Hard sell

1. Noun. Forceful and insistent advertising.

Generic synonyms: Advertising, Publicizing

Definition of Hard sell

1. Noun. A sales technique of pressuring the potential buyer to agree to a purchase. ¹

2. Noun. A sales transaction which is challenging for the sales person to make; any act or object of persuasion which is challenging. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Hard Sell

hard paraffin
hard pill to swallow
hard pulse
hard put
hard rays
hard redirect
hard right
hard rock
hard roe
hard roll
hard rubber
hard rush
hard sauce
hard science
hard sciences
hard sell
hard shoulder
hard shoulders
hard skill
hard sledding
hard soap
hard solder
hard sore
hard space
hard start
hard steel
hard stop
hard surface
hard tarter
hard tick

Literary usage of Hard sell

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Information Technology: An Audit Guide for Assessing Acquisition Risks (1994)
"When I was granted permission to hold a field hearing here today of the Education and the Workforce Committee, it wasn'ta very hard sell, and the reason it ..."

2. Field Hearing on What Congress Can Learn from Successful State Education edited by Matt Salmon (2000)
"When I was granted permission to hold a field hearing here today of the Education and the Workforce Committee, it wasn'ta very hard sell, and the reason it ..."

3. Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel: With Supplementary Extracts from the by John Earle, Charles Plummer (1892)
"... adj. laborious, hard, sell. 626 E. 1093. gesealde. 855 A. 1095 p. 235!. 648 E. ge- salde. ..."

4. Solving Crime Problems in Residential Neighborhoods: Comprehensive Changes by Judith D. Feins (1997)
"... the problem (a hard sell after the security scandal): "Community policing creates an atmosphere of communication and respect; you don't treat residents ..."

5. French Perceptions of the Early American Republic, 1783-1793 by Peter P. Hill (1988)
"They seemed not to realize that to retain those sympathies (which at first ran strongly in their favor) would require the sort of "hard sell" public ..."

6. Politics of Compromise: NATO and AWACS by Arnold L. Tessmer (1995)
"Grumbling about America's "hard sell" tactics lingered long after the campaign had ended. Consider first the two clear successes in Canada and the ..."

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